End of Trial Class Feedback and Parent FAQs
Speaking with parents at the end of a trial class is paramount to students signing up for long-term classes. Even with excellent in-class instruction, if you are unable to give specific and constructive feedback and demonstrate why they should trust you with their child's education, it will be difficult to build a robust schedule.
Talking Stems for Lesson Feedback to use during class:
In every trial class you will find the below graphic automatically uploaded into the classroom for you to use.
Today we covered...a highlight was...
The student showed a good understanding of...
The student needs to work on...
After a month of classes with me, I believe the student can achieve...
Parents: before next class you can...

Parent FAQs
What does my child need to work on?
Be Specific and Honest
If a student is behind grade levels, be honest with the parent.
If a student is looking to excel further, identify specific things you want to work on.

Good Answer: "Based off what I observed in our trial class today, I can tell that (Name of Student) is a really good reader. However, I noticed that they are jumping to conclusions very quickly and they are not able to give specific evidence that supports his answers. I know that the goal for your child is to get ahead in reading and writing, so over the next 3-4 months I plan to take them through more challenging reading and comprehension exercises. We will also work on writing including: vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure."
Bad Answer: "I really enjoyed the class today with your student. They did really well and there wasn't really anything we needed to work on. I enjoyed the class and hopefully I can work with them in the future."

How is a student's progress measured?
Give them tangible expectations regarding goals and time
Remind them about ClassUp's Learning Plan and the Monthly Recaps
Good Answer: "We can measure progress through regular assessments and homework. We can also review their personalized learning plan to see what topics we have covered and what topics are coming up. Each month we also have a monthly recap where we will meet with you to talk about the student's progress so far and topics they will focus on in the coming weeks"
How long will it take for a student to be at level? How often should they have class?
You do not need to make a recommendation on how often they should have class, but you can instead talk about what you plan to focus on in the first few classes

Good Answer: "I am confident that your child can achieve significant progress in 3-4 months based on what I have observed in this trial class. I want them to work on grammar first. After that we can work on writing paragraphs and eventually essays. I will let the educational consultant give the recommendation on how often they should have class each week."
Bad Answer: "They probably just need a couple classes. Probably once a week would probably be fine."
How long will it take for a student to be at level? How often should they have class?
You do not need to make a recommendation on how often they should have class, but you can instead talk about what you plan to focus on in the first few classes

Good Answer: "I am confident that your child can achieve significant progress in 3-4 months based on what I have observed in this trial class. I want them to work on grammar first. After that we can work on writing paragraphs and eventually essays. I will let the educational consultant give the recommendation on how often they should have class each week."
Bad Answer: "They probably just need a couple classes. Probably once a week would probably be fine."