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Math Trial Materials
Reminder: You are required to use ClassUp's Trial Materials in trial lessons when available
Our trial materials currently cover grades K-12 and can be found the the ClassUp App's Materials Library.
Trial materials will automatically upload into the classroom based on their assessment results and grade level. If a student is advanced or struggling, you can always use materials from the grade above or below their current level.


4x4 Sudoku
Count to add within 10
Fluently add and subtract within 20
Telling time
The magic matchsticks
Grade 1

4x4 Sudoku
Count to add within 10
Fluently add and subtract within 20
Telling time
The magic matchsticks
Grade 2

Fluently add and subtract within 20
Fluently add within 100
Telling time
The magic matchsticks
Grade 3

Different ways to tell and write time
Fluently add and subtract within 1000
Identify polygons
Use array models to multiply
Use the standard algorithm to add and subtract within 100
Grade 4

Compare fractions
Generate equivalent fractions
Relate multiplication and division using fact families
The relationships between perimeter and diameter
Two step word problems using the four operations
Grade 5

Add and subtract fractions
Compare decimals to the tenth and hundredths place
Generate equivalent fractions
Use area models to multiply
Grade 6

Add and subtract decimals
Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators
Add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators
Use algebraic expressions to solve word problems
Use strategies to add and subtract decimals
Volume of composite figures
Grade 7

Ratio word problems
Use algebraic expressions to solve word problems
Grade 8

Solving Equations
Proportion Word Problems

Analyze and interpret linear and non-linear functions
Determine whether a relation is a function
Solving Equations
Solving special systems of linear equations
Algebra 2

Analyzing geometric sequences and series
Rewriting and evaluating logarithmic expressions
Transformations of quadratic functions
Trigonometric functions of any angle

Properties of parallel lines
Proving triangle congruence
The law of sines
Translations and reflections of figures on the coordinate plane
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