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Trial Class Materials

In trial classes you are required to use the ClassUp provided materials that are automatically uploaded into the classroom based on the student's assessment results. Not all grades and subjects have provided materials, in which case you can either select from our database of materials or your own.

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Available ClassUp Trial Courseware:

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  • Elementary

  • Middle School

  • Algera 1, Algebra 2, Geometry

English Language Arts:

  • Elementary

  • Middle School

English Language Arts


We currently have Trial Class Materials for grades K-8. You can find the materials in the Materials Library within the ClassUp App.

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We currently have Trial Class Materials for grades K-12 including Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry for High School Students. You can find all of the trial materials within the Materials Library within the ClassUp App.

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How are materials chosen?

  1. Students are sent an assessment by their Educational Consultant

  2. Student completes their assessment before their trial class

  3. Based on their results appropriate trial class materials and their assessment results will be automatically uploaded into the classroom

  4. If the student does not complete the assessment prior to their trial class then default materials will be uploaded 30 minutes prior to the start of the class

Trial Lesson Materials:

Courseware:​ The teaching materials that teachers display and use in class. This includes the learning goals for the lesson, warm-ups, key concepts, examples (which are the teaching focuses for this lesson - 2 per lesson), corresponding practice (2-4 per example), and summary.

Learning Goals: They are crucial for successful learning as they specify the expected capabilities of the students after instruction.

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Warm-up: Through warm-ups, the student can make connections from previously learned lessons and topics in their own lives to the content that will be covered in the lesson.

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Key Concepts and Examples: Example questions provide students with the framework for a new concept so that they are able to understand how and why the math makes sense.

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Practice: The goal of the practice questions is to keep the students engaged while they show what they've learned.

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Summary: It outlines the key concepts and examples that were covered during the lesson.

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Teaching Guide (TG): 

The teacher's version of the courseware. It includes courseware, teaching guidance suggestions, and problem-solving solutions. Teachers can use it for lesson preperation.

More Practices

The related exercises for this lesson. If you feel that the student needs more exercises for consolidation, you can choose from here.

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More Practice with Solutions:

Includes all practice and problem-solving solutions.

Student Goal Report:

After the student completes or even if they don't complete the assessment, a student goal report will be automatically uploaded in the classroom. Depending on how the student does on their assessment you can use these responses when reviewing the Assessment with the parents.

Below Average: The results from the assessment show that Alex needs some extra support in core concepts. We will review these important sections first to catch up.

Average:The results from the assessment show that Alex has a good grasp of multiplication and division, but needs more help with fractions, such as fraction concepts and comparing fractions. Learning fractions can be challenging, and fractions are a building block of future math concepts. So, we will focus on fractions first and after that continue to other topics.

Above average: The results from the assessment show that your student performed very well. I believe that Alex is ready for more challenging content. So we will create the following learning plan for them with more challenging content.

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Student Assessments:

We currently have assessments for all grades of math and K-8 for ELA. We do not have High School ELA or SAT assessments currently, but will in the future. All trial students for those valid grades are sent the assessment when they sign up for the trial class. Some students may be sent 2 different grade levels to complete.


Once they have completed their assessment or both of their assessments the results are automatically uploaded into the classroom.If a student does not complete their assessment prior to the start of our class, then a default Assessment Report will be uploaded 30 minutes prior to the start of class.

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Personalized Learning Plan (PLP):

Based on the student's assessment results our system will automatically select and upload materials based on the areas the struggled with in the demo. The materials will be labeled with "Courseware" at the start of the of the attachment name and will show the topic. Trial class courseware is currently available for Math K-8 and ELA K-5.


The Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) for the student can be found in the student's assessment report. Here you will find all of the topics skills and standards that the student was assessed on and will learn with ClassUp. This will be very important when speaking with the parents about your plan for future classes. The PLP shows the 12 week plan for the student and is a great tool for showing the specific ways you will help the student.

Writing Rubrics

Many students are looking for help specifically with their writing. In a trial class you can use our writing examples and rubrics to assess and provide feedback to the students and the parents.

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